August 23, 2012

Catania Pasadena

Remember the long-suffering development at the corner of W. Green St. and S. St. John?  You know, the eyesore that was draped in loose tarp for the longest time?  Well, it's finally finished.  I can't tell if it's still the original developer, JSM Construction, who finished the project (it stalled because they ran out of money), but the building is looking pretty nice.  Yogaworks just opened in one of the commercial spaces below and you've got Ralph's right next door if you find yourself short on milk.

One thing that surprised me, though, is the units are available for lease, not purchase.  There are 33 units up for rent, with sizes ranging from 2,100 to 3,000 square feet...quite big!  Rates start at $4,200 per month...quite expensive!  This is definitely the upscale alternative to the neighboring Westgate development.  I guess, I shouldn't be surprised that this building went rental.  Right now there is a lot of high-end condos on the market around the Pasadena area and it will take a little time for the market to soak it all up.


  1. If you are interested in Catania, you should check out the blog from the past tenants

  2. Yikes! Yes, I've heard of quite a few problems this building has given to tenants and hope management is addressing the problems. Many of the complaints I've read are just inexcusable and leaves a black eye on such a pretty building. Keep me updated!
