February 26, 2013

Better, But It's Still a Chained-Linked Fence

New side of freeway and fence, Southbound 110 Arroyo Seco Parkway
Anyone who travels southbound down the 110-Arroyo Seco Parkway is probably as disgusted as I am with the trash, broken fences, graffiti, downed signs (and sometimes lightpoles) etc. that line the freeway from South Pasadena all the way downtown.  Ugly.  There are plastic bags that have been stuck on the same ugly stump branches by the freeway for YEARS.

Well, at least there's one semi-beautification effort going on.  It looks like Caltrans is currently fixing the side of the freeway from Orange Grove to York Bl., laying stones/river rock (it was previously just broken asphalt) and putting up new fences.  Ugh, we just can't seem to move away from fences.  In any case, according to Caltrans' planned lane closures this work is to extend to Marmion Way.  Let's hope it goes beyond that.  The rock bed looks nice and it's laid out and angled in a way where litter and debris would have a tougher time accumulating and just sitting there.  But again, those damn fences.  We're still a couple years away from implementing any of the proposals laid out in Caltrans' recent Arroyo Seco Corridor Partnership Plan.  In the meantime, any work is better than leaving it as it is.

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