July 29, 2012

Angry Flyer Venting

photo: EV Grieve
Yeah, I know how this guy (or gal) feels...

July 27, 2012

Pink Benches

photo: Curbed
So, downtown LA's Grand Park opens...they call the color of the benches magenta...I call them pink...a few people like them...I cant stand them.  Please, Pasadena, let's not ever do this.

July 19, 2012

What's the Buzz?

photo: Honeylove.org
So much has been written lately on the die-offs and collapse of honeybee colonies that grassroots organizations have sprung up in the Los Angeles county area touting and promoting the benefits of allowing colonies to thrive within the urban landscape.  The local geography and the abundance of plants that attract honeybees in Pasadena (especially the northern part including Altadena and Sierra Madre) make our region ripe for encouraging backyard beekeeping.  I checked Pasadena's ordinances regarding beekeeping, and sure enough there is a prohibition on maintaining hives unless you're a beekeeper registered with the county's agricultural commission AND if it's not prohibited under the city's zoning code.  I still have to check where in Pasadena this is allowed.  Regardless, I'm encouraged by LA Councilman Bill Rosendahl's efforts to change the rules and educate the public about the benefits of bees and why they're of such importance to our environment.  Time for Pasadenans to do the same.

July 12, 2012

Marion Cunningham, 1922-2012

photo: NY Times
If anyone has read 'The Fannie Farmer Cookbook" they quickly discover that it is one of the quintessential American cookbooks.  Writer Marion Cunningham was a huge proponent of simple, basic foods that can be prepared by anyone.  But more than that she stressed the sense of family and community that food brings together.  Upon reading about her death this morning I couldn't help but think about the new South Lake Farmers market and how it represents so much more than just a place to buy fresh food and produce.  A Farmers market is about community.  It's a place where people share new ideas, brings the small farmer and local merchant directly to the consumer and opens our eyes to regional specialties grown at (or near) our own backyards.  It brings inspiration as to what we can create for the table and to better families and communities.  Marion Cunningham reminded us what a true home-cooked mean was all about.  We Pasadenans needn't look far in getting started.

July 8, 2012

Rustic Pasadena

courtesy Los Angeles Times
The LA Times this past weekend featured a wonderful Pasadena Craftsman house that was restored to its original specs.  Includes details of how people of different backgrounds contributed to restoring this jewel.

The Pasadena Bicycle Craze...in 1900

The California Cycleway passes over the Los Angeles Terminal Railroad near Glenarm Street in Pasadena. Circa 1900. (Photo via Pasadena Museum of History, and many thanks to 90042)
Author and blogger, Taras Grescoe, reminded me of a wonderful article from a couple of years ago in the blog 90042 on The Great California Cycleway.  Hard to imagine that at one time we had a dedicated bicycle pathway (and an elevated one!!) that ran through our fair city.  It was an ambitious project back then, and with today's rise of bicycle advocacy, CicLAvia, and the incorporation of cycling as part of the overall sustainable transportation strategy I can't help but think what could have been if things were built around this.  This is a fun read and be sure to click on the accompanying interactive map.

July 6, 2012

It's Better Fried

It's National Fried Chicken Day!  Which begs the question: where in Pasadena is the best fried chicken served?  I'll venture to guess that many will say (in unison): Roscoe's House of Chicken & Waffles.  What about the chicken at Big Mama's Rib Shack?  Bills Chicken in Altadena?  Though, I don't want to include chains like KFC and Church's I do have to suggest Louisiana Fried Chicken which has, I believe 2 locations in Pasadena.  And for a more upscale version everyone seems to ooh and aah over La Grande Orange's Dixie fried chicken.  I consider myself a pretty healthy eater but it looks like I'm gonna have to do serious eating...all in the name of research, of course.

July 5, 2012

Party on the Bridge!

The preservation group, Pasadena Heritage, will be holding their 35th birthday on the Colorado St. Bridge on Saturday July 14.  For many years Pasadena Heritage has worked tirelessly to preserve historically and architecturally significant buildings, landmarks and neighborhoods in Pasadena.  Recently, they've worked hard on the city's acquisition and future plans for the Julia Morgan building and the ongoing reviews for the All Saints Church property. 

There will be lots of food, a variety of entertainment and partying on one of the most beautiful bridges in America!  Should be a fun event for all!  Tickets can be purchased on their website.

July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

I hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July!  Remember our soldiers and veterans!

July 1, 2012

San Pedro's Crafted

This past weekend marks the opening of San Pedro's highly anticipated arts and crafts marketplace, Crafted.  The city of Los Angeles and San Pedro in particular have a lot riding on this and could pave the way for future rehab and development in the area, including Ports O'Call.  I'm hoping to make a trip down there in the next few weeks and pick up on some ideas Pasadena might be able to use to enhance its existing visitor and shopping experience.